6 JS Effects that can be achieved with Pure CSS

6 JS Effects that can be achieved with Pure CSS:-

People use JavaScript in their website when they don’t need it. Some say its ok to use JavaScript for any website nowadays but what you think does it really need?  If your website has no app features, Do you really have to use JavaScript for all fancy schmancy effects?

Always not. There are lots of ways with pure CSS implementations for common JavaScript effects. Combine some required Pure CSS together and you will get amazing animated effects and other frills. Browser just keeps better and faster, so you don’t get any issue for using Pure CSS in browsers support.

CSS animations make better use of hardware acceleration for rendering them for good performance. Also, the use of Pure CSS makes the graceful degradation and progressive enhancement easier.

Sometimes the JS is implemented in a way that when it is modified the content disappears altogether.  So review some of Pure CSS options available here that would work for you.


Parallax isn’t so productively utilized as it was a few months back, but still it is very popular. What’s more, almost every execution I’ve seen has been done with JavaScript. Web designers from all across the globe, this should not so to be! Generally in light of the fact that Keith Clark thought of a CSS form as far back as 2014, and further refined his procedure in 2015.


That’s true! Slideshows & Carousels should be implemented through pure css. We so used jQuery for this thing that even now it’s hard to fathom. But it’s doable.

  1. Drop Downs:-

Actually Drop downs are UI element that got JS free implementations before anything else. When every design blog was full of ideas to get the menus drop down with the new fangled CSS thing that was catching on. These techniques to easy and pretty well supported now.

  1. Model Windows & Image Galleries:-

Do you have hidden content and want to show it in just one click? CSS can do that all by itself. You can create simple modal windows but also you have to build full on IMAGE Galleries.

  1. Button and Hover Effects:-

This is the main thing that CSS developers start next to drop down menus.   The CSS3 comes with a variety of features and interesting effects to apply on buttons, menus & pretty much like hover effect, interaction etc. The semi-recent upgraded animation features of HTML5 & canvas plus semi-recent surge of support for SVG allot a high amount of work to designers.

  1. Random Typewriter Effect:-

It’s the typewriter effect for which the people using JS. This effect can also be done using the Pure CSS.