Some Learning Resources For Front-end Developers

Some Learning Resources For Front-end Developers:- Everyone knows very well that keeping new update about web development is very tough. When we think from the perspective of front-end developers, this will become easier and will also allow our skills to become a little stale. As per my point of view, everyone should give some minutes or hours for sharpening your coding skills through learning a new technology, API or library.

In this article, we are going to explain some learning resources which includes interactive sites, guides, cheat sheets etc. So with the support of this, you can enhance your skills in more areas of front-end development.

  • CSS grid playground- Mozilla team creates a visual guide for helping the people so that they can learn CSS’s new “Grid layout features” with lots of code example and demos. There is the availability of a large number of the guide but still, it is the best guide because it is very useful to those people who want to get started with CSS grid.
  • Modern JavaScript cheat sheet– It is created by Manuel Beaudru which is very helpful to those people who just want to get started with a modern framework like react etc. It provides all the necessary information so that developers can become more familiar with new technology. If any JavaScript beginners are using this then it will not be a good decision because it is useful for any familiar with JavaScript but not familiar with modern tolling and features.
  • Learn GIT- When we talk about team environments then GIT is treated much standard. If still, you do not understand that how to use it then in this scenario, it might be a decent starting point for you. It is generated by the Microsoft Visual Studio team and the guide covers GIT and version control basics, installation and setup.
  • ES2015+ Cheat sheet– This summary with code example will be helpful in that situation when you have experienced JavaScript but still have not gotten up to speed on many of new features that are introduced after ECMAScript version 5.
  • React accessibility- While using a library like React then you should take care of potential accessibility issues which generally occur due to the nature of the library. In official React docs, this guide provides some accessibility tips for react projects which include suggestions related to WAI-ARIA, semantic HTML, forms, managing focus and other tools related to accessibility.