How to Troubleshoot A Misbehaving WordPress Theme

How to Troubleshoot A Misbehaving WordPress Theme:-WordPress platform is used by many people including individuals and associations across the globe for hosting dynamic website content. you may not even have idea about it but a large part of popular blogs, news site & blog run on WordPress.

Every WordPress installation begins with theme. Themes control look & feel of websites through stylesheets that defines fonts, colors and borders for webpage.  But what happens when you want to install or change & WordPress start showing errors or not working correctly? Here are some tips for troubleshooting:

How to Troubleshoot A Misbehaving WordPress Theme

  1. Migrate Safely:- if you have recently switched from one theme to another, or have plan to do so then you can expect some bumps on road. Migration between themes can involve big deal of configuration changes that may require some troubleshooting.

To start with, always buy themes from reliable sources such as WordPress directory, elegant themes, Themeforest etc.   Avoid downloading illegal free copies of premium themes. These may offer themes that either inadvertently or purposely add bugs or other security related issues.

Before getting start take a full backup of old site and theme before launching migration activities.

  1. Refresh Links:- when you install theme on WordPress site, it may involve configuration changes to how your subpages are managed . That may cause errors to visitors as new url format.

To resolve the url issue, go to admin console and use settings tab. Them go through Permalinks Submenu. Now scroll down to click save changes for flush permalinks. This will update all of your page urls to be linked correctly.

  1. Run Theme Updates:- to keep your computer and smart phones healthy you need to update them periodically. This may integrate additional features & security enhancements or patches. Skipping an update leave you vulnerable to cyber attack.

Same scenario works with WordPress host and themes. If security issue is present in your theme then hackers may be able to attack your back-end systems and potentially expose sensitive information.

  1. Check Site Settings:- while you work on complex theme that has been customized previously, it may be challenging to get the right environment to link correctly with url. If you have issue with your WordPress theme are struggling to navigate through web browser. Initiate using admin console & going to general setting menu.
  2. Review Plugin Usage:- When you get stuck with troubleshooting theme, looking at plugins can be helpful step sometimes. Plugins are small scripts or tools build by software developers that can be integrated with the WordPress site through single click. They often add useful features but also complicate configuration of WordPress theme.