5 Quick Tweaks to Boost Blog Conversion

5 Quick Tweaks to Boost Blog Conversion:-There are various great things about making money online but there is also a fact that you can get quantifiable objectives & review them to great point of accuracy. For example, if you want to decrease your bounce rate to 5% just implements measure that you think will really help to achieve. Use services such as Google analytics to monitor effect, then rinse & repeat.

Once you have an established audience based on your niche, the opportunities for make tweaks to your blog and increase engagements and income are limitless. You can achieve more through the same amount of efforts by tweaking your blog what you already think so to seeking out new visitors.

So keeping this in mind we write this post to help you achieve new visitors and blog conversions.

5 Quick Tweaks to Boost Blog Conversion

  1. Increase the number of posts on your home page:- It seems boring? What difference this will make on income or conversions? Well, in terms of implementing this tweaks against potential benefits. But actually this is a quite big difference.

The prior thing doesn’t forget increasing or reducing the number of blog posts on homepage If your blog is on front page. This can be done in just 5 seconds by navigate to settings-> General in WordPress dashboard.

I you are using a page builder tool to build your website then changing blog count on homepage will depend on builder. Possibly this is a quickest tweak you can ever make.

  1. Use Manual Excerpts:- This suggestion follows from the last one and can perhaps phobia of mammoth loading times. Especially when you are going to post a lot of blog posts on homepage.

When it comes to show posts in archive form, generally there are three methods of doing this:

  • Display entire blog post
  • Display automatically determined excerpt
  • Display manually created excerpt

Manual excerpts enable visitors to read a brief overview of each posts on your homepage without going through entire content unless they want to.

  1. Make Primary CTA more prominent:- In case you think, a CTA stands for “Call to Action”- an element encourages visitors to carry out desired section. This could be to purchase information product, subscribe newsletter or something else.

While you have more than one CTA on your blogs, you should have one that is more important than rest. That primary CTA should be prominent as possible. If it’s not, tweak it so that it is. Suggestions are:

  • Placing it at top on sidebar
  • Move it to a popup
  • Make it more colorful element on page
  • Moving it above fold
  • Placing it above main content
  1. Add Prominent Link to your main page:- Probably there is a particular page which generates more income than any other. It is something like a resources page or perhaps a product. Whatever it is you have to make it easy accessible to visitors. Since it doesn’t make sense to add main menu, you can add prominent link in sidebar, footer or possibly header. This way your prominent link appears on all the pages.
  2. Increase Prominence of Social Sharing:- I hope your blog must have a social sharing plugin. But there is in fact so much you can do to drive social traffic to your blog. The simple fact is that many people aren’t going to be that fussed about sharing your blog content unless you made it simple for them.